What's Happening at Grace Christian Church

Please read our monthly summary of church events, notices, and prayer requests.

We also have a weekly email newsletter — contact us to sign up!

Below you will find a copy of our Teamup calendar and a list of active groups and personnel. If you are looking for the monthly announcements and prayer list, please click the link above.

Activities and Ministries

Grace Choir / Bells of Grace
Our music rehearsals are being scheduled as needed on an ad-hoc basis. Newcomers are always welcome! Call Phyllis Kirk at (205) 960-1877 if you are interested in participating.
Cleaning and Grounds Maintenance
We use volunteers to care for our church property instead of a paid custodian. There is a sign-up sheet in the lobby for weekly cleaning of the sanctuary and upstairs bathrooms - the school staff take care of the downstairs areas. We also have a team that dedicates their time on weekends during the growing season to keep the grass trimmed and the flower beds looking nice. Contact Debbie Speaks if you are available and able to help with that effort.
Manna Ministries
Our church is partnering with Manna Ministries to distribute food and necessities to needy families in our local area. If you are in need, curbside pickup is available every Saturday from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at 333 Smokey Road in Alabaster. Contact Jane Churchill or Julie Murrell for more details on how to get involved.
Mission Council
The governing body of our congregation is the Mission Council. It is composed of elected officers, program ministry and administrative team leaders. Church staff as well as representatives from other auxiliary organizations participate and report to the Mission Council regularly or as needed. Everyone is welcome to attend monthly Mission Council meetings, which are held via Zoom on the third Thursday of the month. The current moderator of the Mission Council is Cecilia Cook.
Christian Women's Fellowship
The ladies of CWF meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month. Check the newsletter for the location of this month's meeting. The current CWF president is Pam Knight.
Coffee Fellowship / Monthly Birthday Recognition
We have coffee and baked goods in the fellowship hall after worship on the third Sunday of the month. There is a hosting sign-up sheet in the foyer. Contact Toni Redding with any questions or suggestions.
Boy Scouts
Helena's Troop #2 meets in the fellowship hall on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Hillsboro School
The lower floor of our building is occupied during the school week by The Hillsboro School and their kindergarten students. The Hillsboro School purchased the church property in December 2024.

Online Church Directory

Our safe and secure online directory is now available for everyone to use! To get started, visit members.instantchurchdirectory.com/signup, enter your email address and choose a password. Once you've done that, you'll receive a message with instructions on how to complete the signup process. There are informational handouts in the Narthex with more details, including how to use the directory's mobile app.

Contacts and Team Leads

Staff Members:
  • Pastor: (vacant)
  • Minister of Music: Rev. Phyllis Kirk — pskirk@bellsouth.net
  • Church Secretary: Lori Amason — tricetrenttrace@gmail.com
  • Student Ministry Leader: Trice Amason — tamason56@gmail.com
  • Church Treasurer: Lisa McDonald — gracecc1233@gmail.com
2025 Mission Council Officers:
  • Moderator: Cecilia Cook
  • Vice Moderator: Adam Kayton
  • Treasurer: Lisa McDonald
  • Asst. Treasurer: Jane Churchill
  • Secretary: Melinda Kayton
  • Asst. Secretary: Jackye Frederick
  • Church Clerk: Jen Griffin
  • Trustee: Robby Griffin (through 2025)
  • Trustee: David McDonald (through 2026)
  • Trustee: Madrene Pardue (through 2027)

- Executive Committee

Pastoral Search Committee:
  • Cecilia Cook
  • Trice Amason
  • Lynn Griffith
  • Toni Redding
  • Trevor Wood
Current Team Leaders:
  • Worship Team: Lori Amason
  • Evangelism Team: (vacant)
  • Membership Team: King Knight
  • Fellowship & Shepherding Team: Mary Jane Marcus
  • Christian Education Team: John Churchill
  • Stewardship & Finance Team: (vacant)
  • Outreach Team: (vacant)
  • Communications Team: Lori Amason
  • Property Oversight Team: Debbie Speaks